On a recent visit to Target, I came across a fantastic display of designer duct tape. I mean, I knew they existed, but was very impressed by the abundance of colors, patterns, and prints. This was definitely a blog in the making, so I embarked upon a DIY duct tape quest and was surprised at the elegant results. With a keen and tasteful eye and by selecting appropriate color and pattern choices, upcycling items for your home using this typically utilitarian tape can end with glamorous decor.
Duct tape table: Completed in 10 minutes…this was a simple white table wrapped in delicious rainbow duct tape color.
Duct taped dresser drawers: this 30 minute project simply required removing the pulls, then applying this checked tape…easy peasy! Visit Lattenene’s Cup of Chat for how-to.
Bertjan Pot duct tape rug: though a bit more sophisticated in concept, this once Persian rug was uplifted artistically into an exhibit-ready piece of decor art. The cool couch is no slouch either.
Washi tape glasses: okay, so this isn’t exactly duct tape, but it sure inspires us to think chic, especially with summer parties right around the corner. Additional benefit: if one of these glasses falls and breaks…easy clean-up! Visit fresh HOME ideas for how-to.
Duct taped picture frame: take an afternoon and go nuts on an easy project that’ll stick out in a good way. Visit CountryWoman for full how-to.
Refurbished duct taped card table: it may be a bit of a stretch to call this glamorous, but, hey, it’s a card table brought back to life with designer tape…simple and economical. In my book…that spells glam! Visit diy inspired for full how-to.