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HomeJelly how-to Pinterest board

HomeJelly how-to Pinterest board.

Aaaaaaaand…here we go! As many of you may have heard…I’m a Pinterest super-nerd. What, with endless scrolling pages filled with unique ideas, design candy and the like, how does a girl help herself? Alas, the joke is not on me; I have turned this decor dorkism into some of my own handy how-tos that I wish to round-up for y’all today. Who knows, maybe they’ll inspire you to express your “get-er-done” geekiness and make something fabulous for your home. Oh, if you’re at all pinterested (ba-dum-bump!)…follow me on Pinterest! Thank you!

How to make “Home Sweet Home” stacked planters…


How to make "Home Sweet Home" stacked planters

How to make “Home Sweet Home” stacked planters.

This “How to make ‘Home Sweet Home’ stacked planters” was my very first pin to go “viral”! If I wasn’t a Pinterest fanatic before….well, I was all in when it hit over 4,000 repins (update: now, over 8,000)!  Oh, btw, I’d love to share the “pin-love” by introducing y’all to these wonderful Pinterest peeps who repinned my projects. Click into the images and check out their boards as well!

How to make a serving bowl bird bath for $5…

How to make a serving bowl bird bath for $5!

How to make a serving bowl bird bath for $5!

HomeJelly was previously the DiggersList blog where I developed my DIY “legs” with simple and inexpensive projects like this serving bowl bird bath.

How to rehab a park bench…


How to rehab a park bench

How to rehab a park bench.

This project will always live in a special place in my heart. My 82 year old mom helped me revitalize her once weather-beaten bench into this delightfully colorful show-stopper! It has her name painted all over it!

How to and how not to refurbish a cabinet…


How to and how not to refurbish a cabinet

How to and how not to refurbish a cabinet.

Talk about a learning curve! Sheesh! This labor of love (made for my brother-in-law and his wife’s house-warming present), was definitely labor intensive. I made about the same amount of mistakes as I did things right…but, I certainly learned a lot! Click and follow the link jump above to glean from my errors! (Someone should!)

How to make peek-a-boo lamp shades…


How to make peek-a-boo lamp shades

How to make peek-a-boo lamp shades.

This project was the very first product I ever sold! Hurray! I received some very nice comments and knew I was on to something. So, besides an extensive how-to, I made it available on our HomeJelly etsy shop…there are still more available! COMING SOON: a downloadable template will soon be available which will make this how-to that much easier!

How to make a rollable ceiling beam bench and planter…


How to make a rollable ceiling beam bench and planter

How to make a rollable ceiling beam bench and planter.

It’s amazing how every how-to has a story. This one I found in New Orleans when we were out scout’n cool finds. So, technically, I didn’t actually do this project myself. However, I was able to really examine the very cool rollable ceiling beam and planter, put 2 + 2 together and create a fun and doable project for y’all! Thanks NOLA! You’re the best!

How to make upholstery fabric art…


How to make upholstery fabric art

How to make upholstery fabric art.

I am continually inspired by our friends at Habitat For Humanity ReStores (and a special shout-out to the ReStore Riverside). Their Pinterest boards are always chock-full of fantastic repurposing ideas, along with inexpensive ways to reuse ordinary objects and turn them into amazing decor. Here, I took inspiration with a collage frame that I had laying around the house for a year. I didn’t want to throw it away, so I filled it will some (free) upholstery fabric samples and created instant art!

How to industrial distress a cabinet…


How to industrial distress a cabinet

How to industrial distress a cabinet.

This is my latest how-to that is part of a series I will be blogging on this coming month about our living room remodel whoohoo! This is a little bit of country…a little bit of industrial rock ‘n roll!

Are you on Pinterest? Leave your Pinterest profile in the comments below and I’ll check out your boards as well!

All photography originally by Skaie Knox, via Pinterest.