Family. Country. Heritage. If you’d like to wrap all three of these meaningful elements of your life into one project, try this fun and easy DIY flag how-to. With just a scrap of wood, some sand paper and paint, you’ll have an instant heirloom on your hands (or your shelf!).
What’s more, you can create a flag for your side of the family as well as your husband’s or wife’s (or if you’re flying solo, your mom’s or dad’s) to then display with decor coolness and versatility. Another idea would be to paint Old Glory on one side and your state’s colors on the other.
By downloading this step-by-step tutorial, you’ll receive a list of supplies (with helpful links) and the instructions with colorful photos to make a wooden 2-sided flag that you can flip, depending on how you feel any time you wish (in this case, more Swedish or Norwegian).
Download our FREE HomeJelly Two-Sided Wooden Flag Tutorial and display your colors with style!
Download the HomeJelly How-to-Two-Sided Wooden Flag Tutorial here!
Photography by Jodi Clark for HomeJelly