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Quirky / Funky
Alternative Christmas Tree Ideas from Recycled Stuff
Quirky / Funky
How To Make An Upcycled Plastic Animal Toy Bowl
Quirky / Funky
Repurposed Bricks Make Beautiful Books
Quirky / Funky
Repurposed Everyday Items Make Cool Home Decor
Quirky / Funky
Video: Guiness World Record House of Cards Gets Built…then Demolished!
Quirky / Funky
Room of the Day: A Bicycle Built for Bathrooms
Quirky / Funky
A Stroll Through the Neighborhood: Homes Decked Out for Halloween!
Quirky / Funky
VW Bus Turned Mobile Billiards Table
Quirky / Funky
Spooktacular Spider Web-Inspired Decor
Quirky / Funky
Rubik’s Cube Dresser Drawers Are Not Just for Geeks
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Spooky Spook-Scuptures That’ll Even Spook the Spooks
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Video: Houses As Small As A Closet
Quirky / Funky
Room of the Day: Cute Halloween Googly-Eyed Front Porch
Quirky / Funky
Just for Fun: The Rainbow House is Oz’some
Quirky / Funky
Slip ‘n Slide To Work We Go
Quirky / Funky
Burning Man-Inspired Bamboo Open House