Thrift store find, sans the frame.

If you’re a thrift store regular, then you’re keenly aware of the overstock items such as Tupperware, stuffed animals, and used candles.  If you’re a DIYer, then most likely you’d be up for the challenge of how to repurpose common household items. One thing that is constantly passed over is scenery or artwork pressed on cardboard. Typically, frames are sought after by most frugal shoppers, with the so called artwork being discarded and left behind. Not anymore. With a pencil, felt pen and paper cutter, the cardboard art quickly becomes functional postcards. A DIYer’s dream project come true. Why?  Because it’s fast, easy and inexpensive. Now, that’s something to write home about.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Post card
  • Cardboard Artwork (I found this one at Goodwill)
  • Paper Cutter
  • Pencil
  • Black Felt pen (I used a Sharpie fine point)

Here’s what you do:

  1. Using the post card as a pattern, outline the backside of the artwork with a pencil.
  2. Cut up the artwork into postcard sizes.
  3. On the backside of the artwork postcards, write “From” in the upper left hand corner and write “To” in the center, with the black felt pen.
  4. Optional: You may draw some lines near the “from” and “to” if you’d like.

Use a paper cutter for clean lines.

Use a black marker to create “to” and “from” address lines. Voila…now get writing!

Shannon Quimby is a DiggersList friend and guest blogger who is also one of the nations’ top speaking and doing experts of Salvage Decorating and Design reusing, recycling, restyling, and renewing…basically all the “R’s”. To read more about Shannon’s projects and events, visit her website:

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